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Page 1 of results for query 'Trade unions'

Section 12 - Trade Union Activities - Guidelines

Objectives. To inform, advise or consult with employees and Trade Unions on proposed changes in order to: • Promote good employee relations and to avoid ...

Trade union facility time

Trade Union Facility Time (2020/2021). In line with the Local Government Transparency Code, local authorities must publish the following information on ...

Joint negotiating committee (JNC) Constitution and terms of reference

1.3 To provide a method of negotiation with the Trade Unions on any relevant matters referred to it by any Director, Human Resources or the Trades Unions ...

Grievance Procedure

All Trade Unions recognised by the Council have been consulted. Current ... meeting by a Trade Union representative or work colleague if he/she wishes.

About our staff and their salaries

Apr 18, 2024 ... Information about senior officer pay, trade union time and apprenticeships.

The Grand Union Canal

Jun 14, 2018 ... The Grand Union Canal as part of Berkhamsted's history. ... trade, navigation and boat building activities. This was an area of ...

Register of interests, Councillor Gbola Adeleke

Oct 1, 2019 ... ... Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992. Name of Person or Body making Payments. None. 3. Any contract for goods, services or ...

Privacy Policy - Human Resources

Apr 18, 2024 ... • Membership of Trade Unions. If you're providing us with special ... political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union ...

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Joint Negotiating, 07/09/2015 18 ...

Sep 7, 2015 ... According to the Constitution of the JNC, the appointments will alternate between the. Members/Officers and the Trade Union ... As far as the ...

Conduct procedure policy

trade union representative or a work colleague. (The employee may not be accompanied by a colleague whose presence would cause prejudice to the.